A blog for commentary regarding the music of today (and yesterday...and the day before...)

Click here for a review of Dark Circles by The Devils.
Click here for a review of Bangs...Sounds of the 80s.

The archive format has changed!
If you are looking for old posts, they are archived monthly now; links are in the left-hand column at the bottom.

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Oktober's website:
Late Bar Radio
Streaming Internet radio, tattoos, and Duran Duran.

Quick Links:
Absintheur's Journal
Angry Robot
DJ Martian
Duboce Triange
Fangrrl -- Music Geek Spewings
Glamour Junkies
Gross Out Art
Josh Blog (Thinking About Music)
MC Frontalot
Sex and Sunshine -- mainly a music blog
Surface Tension
Tiny Mix Tapes
Toddlike's Worthless Music Review Blog
Toothpick Girl

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November, 2002
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April, 2002
March, 2002

January 20, 2003
Quasilulu rocked...again!

The gig the other night was great! I was treated to their rockin' cover of "Cult of Personality", which features the kick-ass electric violin playing the infamous guitar solo with more energy and power than I ever thought could be yanked out of such an instrument. What's more is that even though they wanted a 10 dollar drink/food minimum per person per band, I made out with just a 3 dollar cran and seltzer. Score! Anyway, keep your eye on the Quasilulu website for info on upcoming gigs. They just finished recording a CD...how exciting is that??

So I won't be updating my website at all due to this rather serious unemployment situation. In fact, this may turn into a "yet another unemployed IT worker" blog sometime in the next week. Because damnit, I am frustrated, annoyed, and fed up, and I may just have to vent a little. Bear with me: one of these days I'll get a job and life will return to some state of normalcy...

I hope. Or I may be starving and living on the street. !!! Hrmm...maybe I should move back to Miami...being homeless in February is much more tolerable in 80 degree weather.

posted by DJOktober at 6:05 PM | link this post! | Comments []

January 14, 2003

I have been ignoring my blogging duties, and I apologize. This is mostly because I am engrossed one hundred percent in looking for a job. Online radio and fun websites do very little to pay the bills; I am a computer network professional in dire need of employment (January 15th will mark my 14 month layoff anniversary). Needless to say, I have little time or energy to keep this blog up to date.

However, if anyone in NYC is checking in, my roommate's kick-ass rock band, Quasilulu, has a gig this Friday at The Cutting Room. They really put on a great show; it is well worth it. Trust me! And that's not just because my roommate is in the band....

Meanwhile, is anyone hiring? Please? Anyone? If you give me a job, then I'll be back to posting here on a regular basis....

posted by DJOktober at 1:07 AM | link this post! | Comments []