A blog for commentary regarding the music of today (and yesterday...and the day before...)

Click here for a review of Dark Circles by The Devils.
Click here for a review of Bangs...Sounds of the 80s.

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February, 2003
January, 2003
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November, 2002
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April, 2002
March, 2002

April 14, 2003
Strange things are afoot at the Circle K...

This blog will be undergoing a major overhaul over the next few weeks. I am shifting the focus away from music, and on to other interests that I am currently pursuing. Why have I been so absent from posting lately? You'll find out...

posted by DJOktober at 11:51 AM | link this post! | Comments []

March 2, 2003
How 'bout some Igor and Wolfgang?

Ah, classical music. What a fabulous way to end a confusing week - one full of frustration, fear, anxiety, and also a fair amount of happiness and joy. Saturday evening I had the pleasure of seeing choral music live at Alice Tully Hall here in NYC (part of Lincoln Center). The program caught my eye because it contained one of my favorite all-time choral pieces, "Symphony of Psalms" by Igor Stravinsky. And the second piece, the "Mass in C Minor", was by my favorite classical composer, Wolfgang Mozart.

Okay, okay, I was a music major, so I could bore you to tears with historical references and melodic/harmonic details that would likely be meaningless to most people stumbling upon this blog. So I think today I will keep my mouth shut. But I will say that even if you have never enjoyed a choral/orchestral piece in your life, I honest to god think you would find great pleasure in the Stravinsky. The first movement contains more excitement than you would ever expect to find in a piece of religious music (the piece was commissioned by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, but Stravinsky chose Christian material for his subject matter). And here's another plus: no violins. Or viola, for that matter. The orchestral scoring is based on low-register strings, raucous brass, and punctuated piano lines. It certainly defies all classic definitions of "symphony", and considering that it was written in 1926, mere decades after Beethoven, this deviation was quite scandalous!

Anyway, it's a darn good piece.

As for the Mozart, it's a little more difficult to stomach. It's easy to listen to, but it's a full hour of listening. I enjoyed it thoroughly, though; especially the brief moments of double chorus (a technique that fascinates me so much I could spend the rest of my life talking about it -- really, I dare you to ask about my college thesis). FYI this isn't the Requiem Mass that was made so famous by the highly fictionalized account of its writing in the 1984 movie "Amadeus", rather this mass was written nearly a decade earlier.

I have quite a soft spot for live choral music. It was a nice contrast to the previous few nights of entertainment (of which I still have to type about, so stay tuned....)

posted by DJOktober at 11:48 PM | link this post! | Comments []

March 1, 2003
Last minute plug....

My roommate's band, Quasilulu, is playing tonight (Saturday) at 10:30PM at The Bitter End here in New York City. Got no plans? Come check 'em out! I'm not sure I'll be there; I have some Mozart and Stravinsky to see this evening and may not make it downtown. But their last gig rocked (as always) and I'm sure ya won't be disappointed....

Meanwhile, roomie is also in the band for an off-Broadway musical, called Heat Lightning. I have no idea what it's about or how good it is, but I'm going to the premiere on March 5th to check it out...for free! Having a musician roommate is a handy thing sometimes...

posted by DJOktober at 1:08 PM | link this post! | Comments []

February 27, 2003
Who has seen the flick Sid & Nancy?

Remember this?

I need a job I need a job I need a GOOD JOB
I need a job I need a job that pays
I need a job I need a job I need a GOOD JOB
One that satisfies....
My artistic needs!

Whaddya think, Johnny?

F**k off!


posted by DJOktober at 4:59 PM | link this post! | Comments []

February 2, 2003
My current theme song

"Career Opportunities" by The Clash:

They offered me the office, offered me the shop
They said I'd better take anything they'd got
Do you wanna make tea at the BBC?
Do you wanna be, do you really wanna be a cop?

Career opportunities are the ones that never knock
Every job they offer you is to keep you out the dock
Career opportunity, the ones that never knock

I hate the army an' I hate the R.A.F.
I don't wanna go fighting in the tropical heat
I hate the civil service rules
And I won't open letter bombs for you

Bus driver....ambulance man....ticket inspector
They're gonna have to introduce conscription
They're gonna have to take away my prescription
If they wanna get me making toys
If they wanna get me, well, I got no choice


Ain't never gonna knock

From the 1977 album The Clash, co-written by Joe Strummer and Mick Jones.

Rest in peace, Joe, and thank you so much for the tunes....

posted by DJOktober at 6:52 PM | link this post! | Comments []

January 20, 2003
Quasilulu rocked...again!

The gig the other night was great! I was treated to their rockin' cover of "Cult of Personality", which features the kick-ass electric violin playing the infamous guitar solo with more energy and power than I ever thought could be yanked out of such an instrument. What's more is that even though they wanted a 10 dollar drink/food minimum per person per band, I made out with just a 3 dollar cran and seltzer. Score! Anyway, keep your eye on the Quasilulu website for info on upcoming gigs. They just finished recording a CD...how exciting is that??

So I won't be updating my website at all due to this rather serious unemployment situation. In fact, this may turn into a "yet another unemployed IT worker" blog sometime in the next week. Because damnit, I am frustrated, annoyed, and fed up, and I may just have to vent a little. Bear with me: one of these days I'll get a job and life will return to some state of normalcy...

I hope. Or I may be starving and living on the street. !!! Hrmm...maybe I should move back to Miami...being homeless in February is much more tolerable in 80 degree weather.

posted by DJOktober at 6:05 PM | link this post! | Comments []

January 14, 2003

I have been ignoring my blogging duties, and I apologize. This is mostly because I am engrossed one hundred percent in looking for a job. Online radio and fun websites do very little to pay the bills; I am a computer network professional in dire need of employment (January 15th will mark my 14 month layoff anniversary). Needless to say, I have little time or energy to keep this blog up to date.

However, if anyone in NYC is checking in, my roommate's kick-ass rock band, Quasilulu, has a gig this Friday at The Cutting Room. They really put on a great show; it is well worth it. Trust me! And that's not just because my roommate is in the band....

Meanwhile, is anyone hiring? Please? Anyone? If you give me a job, then I'll be back to posting here on a regular basis....

posted by DJOktober at 1:07 AM | link this post! | Comments []

December 10, 2002
Oh...in case you were wondering....

I didn't actually pay for that Billy Joel thing. I wouldn't even consider purchasing a ticket. I mean, I like Billy Joel and all, but it sounded like a bad idea when I heard about it and I only went because my ticket was free. Besides, would you believe the mezzanine seats were $100?? What the heck is Broadway coming to??

posted by DJOktober at 12:51 PM | link this post! | Comments []

December 3, 2002
Don't go see this...

Click here if you dare. Really, don't bother; unless you love Billy Joel music, love dancing, and think that the marriage of the two sounds like an agreeable evening.

Here, have a review. Most of them are mediocre, as is mine. This was a "dance narrative", meaning there was no spoken dialogue throughout the whole thing, and the point is that the dancing (with the music, of course) tells the story. Honestly, I would have been happier at a club listening to the very talented band play Billy Joel covers all evening. The dancing was a little distracting...

posted by DJOktober at 3:09 PM | link this post! | Comments []

November 17, 2002
Busy busy busy!!!

I've been occupied since my last post...too busy to even listen to much music, never mind post any commentary on it. However, today my latest life adventures brought me a phenomenon that I rarely experience these days: popular radio. Today while doing menial tasks for very little cash (yeah yeah, I'm still unemployed so I gotta take what I can get, ya know?) my ears were accosted by ten grueling hours of the NYC pop station Z100. The most unfortunate part of this experience was that the station rotates the same damn playlist every two hours. I heard Avril Lavigne sing "Skater Boy" four times. I heard some horrid cover of Bryan Adam's "Heaven" by some generic female singer immediately followed by the Cyndi Lauper cover of "Time after Time" by another generic female singer. I heard Britney and Christina and Michelle and Justin and all sorts of other people that I really had no desire whatsoever to hear.

All I have to say is "Blech!" (with a serious Bill the Cat look on my face)

The good news is that I finally caught Madonna's latest; the theme song from the newest Bond movie, "Die Another Day". And I promptly decided that I hated it. I was really curious about that track and I am glad I had the chance to listen to it (four or five times over the course of the day). And now with any luck I will never hear it again.

So now I am putting together my next radio show ("Fade to Grey" -- punk and New Wave music every other Tuesday) and with some help from The Clash, Talking Heads, The Buzzcocks, David Bowie, Art of Noise, Soft Cell, and a little early Duran Duran I am slowly recovering from the trauma of my day with popular radio.

Tomorrow I'm gonna try and tune the radio to WLIR. Wish me luck....

posted by DJOktober at 1:32 AM | link this post! | Comments []