Laura's tattoo was done at Tattoo Charlie's in Louisville, KY by Gary Bell. Gary now works at Louisville Tattoo Company.
In her own words.... I got my tattoo done at Tattoo Charlie's by Gary Bell. I had a drawing of what I wanted, and he helped me with the colors. I have it on the outside of my right ankle. The laurel leaves are there as a border, and because my name is Laura, and in Latin, Laura means "crown of Laurel" so it kind of ties me to the tattoo. I chose the 5 circles because they represent the members coming back together, and while to non-duranies it may just look like a flower, duranies will recognize its significance. I had the "05" put on there because finally after loving this band for over 20 years, I got to see them LIVE in 2005 three times!!! This has been a DURANtastic year for me!!! |
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