Stickp's tattoo was done by 360 Blues & Tattoos in Arlington, TX

In her own words...

I've been a fan of Duran Duran for going on 20 years now and always knew that I wanted something permanent to display my affection and admiration for the band. Getting a tattoo never really entered my mind though; not until my mom decided that on her 60th birthday she wanted to go get a tattoo and she wanted me to go with her. I agreed and started looking around for a reputable tattoo shop that did quality work. The research got me interested and intrigued and by the time I got many recommendations for 360 Blues & Tattoos in Arlington TX I had already decided on a design for my own tattoo.

I decided I wanted something that didn't immediately shout "Duran Duran" to the average person. I wanted something recognizable to fans but something personally resonant as well. The design that stood out to me the most was the open eye symbol that was sprinkled throughout "The Book of Words" and its companion design, the closed eye. While they weren't ever together in the text or elsewhere, I pictured the two together, side by side, and the meaning for me was clear -- the revealed and the hidden, the eyes to the soul, the yin and the yang. I took my design in and in ten minutes I was the proud owner of a tattoo that was the best of both worlds -- representative of the band that has meant the most to me throughout the years and at the same time a window to my own soul -- sometimes open, sometimes closed.

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