In her own words...

I won a chance to meet the band in Cleveland OH on the 13th of November [2003]. I showed [the tattoo] to John and he thought it was very cool and seemed very interested in how long I had had it etc. Then when I got to Simon I asked him to sign it and that I was going to get it tattooed on. He looked at me as if I were crazy and said "Are you sure you want me to do this to you?" and I said "Yes, just write small." I could see him writing all the way down my leg! Well when he started to write and touched my leg I kinda jumped! LOL.So the writing is kinda crooked. So the next night at 1:00AM I was getting it tattooed on. I had to be up at 5:00AM to go to Detroit, MI. My friend had won the meet and greet and took me since I had taken her to the one in Cleveland. So I got to meet Simon again and asked if he remembered signing my leg in Cleveland and he said "Yes." I said well I had it tattooed on the night before and he said "Holy Shit" and gave me a wink and was on his way. I loved my tattoo before but now I can't stop looking at it. I waited 20 years to meet them and it was worth the wait the guys were great. Can't wait till 2004 for the new album and the tour!

"Sign what??" Simon asks.

Vicki & friends, plus a Duran or two (Vicki is next to Nick Rhodes, wearing the "I Love Simon Le Bon" pin)

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