In her own words... I won a chance to meet the band in Cleveland OH on the 13th of November [2003]. I showed [the tattoo] to John and he thought it was very cool and seemed very interested in how long I had had it etc. Then when I got to Simon I asked him to sign it and that I was going to get it tattooed on. He looked at me as if I were crazy and said "Are you sure you want me to do this to you?" and I said "Yes, just write small." I could see him writing all the way down my leg! Well when he started to write and touched my leg I kinda jumped! LOL.So the writing is kinda crooked. So the next night at 1:00AM I was getting it tattooed on. I had to be up at 5:00AM to go to Detroit, MI. My friend had won the meet and greet and took me since I had taken her to the one in Cleveland. So I got to meet Simon again and asked if he remembered signing my leg in Cleveland and he said "Yes." I said well I had it tattooed on the night before and he said "Holy Shit" and gave me a wink and was on his way. I loved my tattoo before but now I can't stop looking at it. I waited 20 years to meet them and it was worth the wait the guys were great. Can't wait till 2004 for the new album and the tour!