Pam's tattoos were done by Mario Bell, at California Emporium of Tattoos in Hedersonville, NC. He doesn't have a website, but if you like Pam's work, look him up and check out his shop!

In her own words....

I wanted to get the DD symbol in some way, shape or form, but I wanted it to be different than the original. I had just about given up when my friend Zoo came up to get her first tattoo. She had designed an awesome version of the symbol using the British flag! I fell in love with it! She had decided not to get it done and without hesitation I asked if she would mind if I got it instead. The rest, as they say, is history! The tattoo is about 2-1/4”x 1-1/2” and resides on the upper part of my right arm. The colors are amazing! :)

Also in her own words....

This is the last of the “Duran related” tattoos that I had set out to get! I have always loved the design for the Power Station! For me, besides the obvious, the Power Station girl represents 3 parts of my personality! Power, strength and energy! This tattoo is located on my right thigh and is approximately 6”x7”. My tattoo artist never ceases to amaze me! This was actually 2 pictures combined. I didn’t have a full picture of the Power Station girl in this design. I had down to her calf on the 12” cover of “Get it On” and on the back of the 45” was the rest of her leg. So Mario, genius that he is, drew it out, combined the 2 covers and voila! I now join the ranks of having “tits on my leg”! LOL! [Editor's Note]: Pam is referring to my very own mermaid tattoo. The tits on my leg are bigger. And in color. *grin*

See Pam's other two Duran Duran Tattoos and remember to check out her latest; the John Taylor autograph.
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